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Network Synchronization

17 April 2019, 14:00-15:00 @Cibali Hall, Kadir Has University

Abstract: Dynamical networks are important models for the behavior of complex systems, modeling physical, biological and societal systems, including the brain, food webs, epidemic disease in populations, power grids and many other. Such dynamical networks can exhibit behavior in which deterministic chaos, exhibiting unpredictability and disorder, coexists with synchronization, a classical paradigm of order. We will survey complex systems in nutshell and the main theory behind synchronization phenomena in simple as well as complex networks and discuss applications to natural and engineering systems.

Speaker Biography: Deniz Eroğlu is an Assist. Prof at Kadir Has University. After graduating in physics (BA & MS) from Ege University in 2013, Eroğlu studied at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research as a research associate in a project supported by Leibniz Association. He did his doctoral work in theoretical physics at Humboldt University Berlin and defended his thesis in January 2016 with summa cum laude. Following  postdoctoral fellowships at Imperial College and Northwestern University he joined Kadir Has University in February  2019.

Deniz Eroğlu’s research interest is broad and multidisciplinary, encompassing nonlinear dynamics, network theory, complex systems and game theory. He started his career focusing on nonlinear dynamics and chaos applied to network science. These projects dealt with the collective behavior of coupled chaotic systems. In PhD time, he worked on time series analysis in climate systems to reveal hidden connections between monsoon regions.  Identification of the long-term anti-correlation between monsoon activities in Northern and Southern parts of the globe brought him the best PhD thesis prize in Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Currently, he is involved in four major grants and working on several applications of interacting systems, including neural, climate and energy networks. His expertise lies at the intersection of dynamical systems and data analysis.
