Constantino Tsallis, Henrique Santos Lima, Ugur Tirnakli, Deniz Eroglu
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena - Published on 2023
We numerically study the thermal transport in the classical inertial nearest-neighbor XY ferromagnet in d= 1, 2, 3, the total number of sites being given by N= L d, where L is the linear size of the system. For the thermal conductance σ, we obtain σ (T, L) L δ (d)= A (d) e q (d)− B (d)[L γ (d) T] η (d)(with e q z≡[1+(1− q) z] 1/(1− q); e 1 z= e z; A (d)> 0; B (d)> 0; q (d)> 1; η (d)> 2; δ≥ 0; γ (d)> 0), for all values of L γ (d) T for d= 1, 2, 3. In the L→∞ limit, we have σ∝ 1/L ρ σ (d) with ρ σ (d)= δ (d)+ γ (d) η (d)/[q (d)− 1]. The material conductivity is given by κ= σ L d∝ 1/L ρ κ (d)(L→∞) with ρ κ (d)= ρ σ (d)− d. Our numerical results are consistent with’conspiratory’d-dependences of (q, η, δ, γ), which comply with normal thermal conductivity (Fourier law) for all dimensions.